Geremy’s Peculiar Week – Episode 1

I’ve started a new project called “Geremy’s Peculiar Week” where I capture moments from my week and edit them down to a short video montage. These episodes aren’t meant to explain my activities during the week—they are intended to give short snippets of my experiences. When deemed necessary, longer journal editorials containing further details will follow each episode. As of right now, my intention is to create a video on a weekly basis, but we will see how that goes!

Without further ado, here is Episode 1 of Geremy’s Peculiar Week

It’ll be interesting to share these videos and journal entries with my future kids so they could get a better insight into what their dad was like in his 20’s. It’ll also be quite scary to imagine “Family Man Geremy” looking back on “Single Man Geremy.” Very scary.

  1. December 25, 2011 - Reply

    Sooo dope

  2. December 25, 2011 - Reply

    This is great! Merry Christmas Geremy. Looking forward to the next episode.

  3. December 26, 2011 - Reply

    i like the idea alot…i see your still doing your thing. keep it up and god bless…merry christmas and happy new year also.

  4. December 28, 2011 - Reply

    @Lexus – Thank you. I’m sure that you’ll be in an episode very soon!
    @Jen – Merry Christmas to your wonderful self also!
    @Mike – Thanks very much. Great to hear from you.
