Six-Sigma my Life: Part I- Laptop

In working in the management consulting world I was introduced to the concept of process improvement via methods like “lean manufacturing” and “six sigma.” The premise of these concepts is that an individual or group analyzes a business process (typically a manufacturing chain) to identify and eliminate waste an inefficiencies, resulting in saved costs and a more efficient process. When I was introduced to this idea I thought, “why can’t I do this to my entire LIFE?!”

So I did!

I selected a few elements of my life that needed improvement and I analyzed all of the inefficiencies that plagued those things.

The first thing I analyzed was this website. was born in 2002 and has become my pride and joy, but updates tend to trickle through sparingly. I searched far and wide for answers and, finally, I pinpointed the root cause of the inefficiency to be my laptop–my massive, 17″ wide monster-truck of a laptop.

My computer tends to be too big to comfortably lug around for journaling and editing pictures on-the-go, but when I get a chance to write I am often distracted by the millions of other things happening on the gigantic screen. To fix the problem and boost productivity I bought a nice, portable, simple laptop whose purpose is to keep me connected while on the go and keep me on task when it comes to writing.

The Giant and his New Brother

Phase I of “Six Sigma, Geremy Edition”— Complete.

  1. September 23, 2009 - Reply

    […] Friday I unexpectedly parted ways with my mini laptop. While teaching my Friday night class to my “kiddies,” I promised to give my computer […]

  2. August 5, 2012 - Reply

    […] learning about Six-Sigma process improvement methods in 2009, I committed to focus on the less efficient areas of my life and implement tools and processes to […]
