When vacations are over, you are forced to let go of paradise and return to your usual mundane life filled with to-do lists, bills, and porridge. This is why I am piloting a new initiative called “the never-ending vacation.”

NEV: [nev] -noun
1. acronym for never ending vacation
2. a period lasting the duration of one year where one experiences a series of frequent releases from duty, business, or activity, usually lasting two to three days at a time in monthly intervals.
3. Geremy’s way of keeping sane in 2009.

My NEV will last for the entire year of 2009, during which I will be traveling around the continental United States and vacationing hard. The plan is to take one weekend-long trip each month and stay at the finest hotel that money can buy. Hopefully I can find a way to pawn the trip expenses off on a higher power, like my parents or Obama, but I haven’t figured that part out yet.


  1. January 26, 2009 - Reply

    […] One of “Geremy’s Neverending Vacation,” takes place in the bustling city of New […]

  2. June 28, 2009 - Reply

    […] my year. It all started on January 17, 2009 at 2:30pm when I posted the journal entry titled, “The Never Ending Vacation.” I introduced and adopted the idea of nonstop outings and nonstop fun in 2009. Unfortunately, the […]
