The Peculiar Mission

My most ambitious goal to-date has been to greatly affect the the world in a positive way. When I thought of a strategy to do this, I decided that I wanted to provide value to those who multiply value to others. Therefore, if I provide value to people who are passionate about making a positive change in the world, then those people will be equipped and inspired to make a difference in the lives of countless other people. My way of providing value to these people was to create the brand Peculiar PPL.

When I created the company, it was a bit unorthodox in its approach because was never about the products— it was all about the people. So, to make this crystal clear and to ensure that I always remained focused on the people, named the brand after the people that it serves— Peculiar PPL.

I’ve always had a hard time articulating this mission, so recently I wore one of my favorite Peculiar PPL dress shirts, set up a video camera and spoke about the company. After about an hour of recording, I realized two things: 1) It’s odd (and oddly entertaining) to speak to an imaginary person in front of a camera, and 2) I love the Peculiar PPL brand…a lot!

Before this video officially hits the public, I wanted to share it with you! Here is my brief video about the brand Peculiar PPL!

  1. July 20, 2014 - Reply

    I think this is just perfect!!! Two thumbs up for the video (it speaks very well, potrays professionalism*, promotes the plan of the brand and welcoming….Makes you curious just to purchase the product)… Awesome!!

  2. July 22, 2014 - Reply

    Thank you so much, Mizz T!!! I’m glad that you got all of that out of the video!!
