My mom doesn’t have an Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or Snapchat account, but she does have a TikTok page with no videos, no display picture, and a generic username. Although many people have tried to convince her for years to join social networks, she refuses because she does not desire the attention. However, her TikTok page is different. Her TikTok account appears to be completely unused because it has no profile photo, no videos, and it has a generic username like “User1371847757188283,” but she uses TikTok differently from most other people. My mom’s TikTok account exists to share uplifting videos to people she knows in order to make their day brighter, and also to regularly support my brother as he makes daily videos for his 1 million TikTok followers. For her entire life, my mom has always aimed to add value to everyone she encounters without wanting any credit or attention on herself. But today, on her birthday, I want to switch things up and tell you a little about her and her amazingness.
Most people know my mom as “Mere,” which is French for the word “mother,” because she is like a mom to everyone she meets. Often times when she is at the gas station, she pays for a random person’s gas anonymously. The cargo area of her SUV is always completely packed with things so she is always prepared to bless someone in need. When COVID infected the world, she often cooked for people who were sick and dropped it off at their front step without them knowing or asking. And those are just some of the things that she does for people who aren’t even her children.
It’s not easy being my mom because 1) I weighed about 10 pounds at birth and 2) sometimes I make life a little too exciting. When I cracked my ankle playing basketball, she met me at the hospital and stayed awake for almost 24 hours to take care of me. When I wanted to become more active, she got tennis racquets and played tennis with me. When I started my very first business in high school, she funded the entire thing because I was broke. When I chose to start getting healthy, she cooked me many healthy meals that resulted in me losing 15 lbs. After I got my foot trapped in the lawnmower, she came to the hospital every day for hours until I was released, then she took care of me and took me to my follow-up appointments until I could walk again.
It may seem biased to say this, but my mom is objectively one of the wisest people ever. When my sister got married, I posted the video of my wedding speech. What many people don’t know is that the speeches were limited to three minutes per person, but my mom did not want me to feel restricted by the time, so she told me that she would reduce the length of her speech to 2 minutes so I could have more time. I told her not to since I did not prepare anything to say, but she refused, and I had no choice because she’s the mom.
When she gave her speech, she shared relationship advice that became some of the most insightful advice that I’ve heard on relationships to this day. Today, for my mom’s birthday, I want to do what my mom always does and share an uplifting video that can add value to your life and relationships. So here it is: I present to you a video of Wisdom From Mere for Relationships and Life: