I bought a Tesla. Another one. But this one’s different.
It all started when I started casually browsing online car listings to look at interesting cars. Every few days I’d see an iconic car for sale and think how cool it would be to buy it, but then my inner voice would talk me out of it. But the more that I saw cool cars was the quieter that my inner voice got. Eventually everything changed when I saw a Tesla Roadster and my inner voice got loud again, but instead of talking me out of buying one, it started talking me into buying one.
My inner voice had some convincing arguments to buy a Roadster:
It was the car that started the electric car revolution, which caused every major car manufacturer to start producing electric cars.
It’s a very rare, completely carbon-fiber, hand-built sports car and there are less than 1200 that remain in the US.
It’s the only car to go to outer space, and since it’s currently flying around in orbit it’s literally the fastest car anywhere in the universe
Now that I think about it, these weren’t convincing arguments at all, but they were good enough for me to start looking for one. It was important to me that the car was my favorite color scheme (black/red), didn’t have a lot of miles, was in great shape, and was a good price. The problem was that since thirty Roadsters died in a building fire late last year, they’ve become more rare and values have skyrocketed. The Roadsters that were available for sale had a lot of competition and the buyers with the most money tended to win. But what I lacked in money, I made up for in strategic thinking.
My strategy was to contact existing Tesla Roadster owners and ask them if they wanted to sell their car to me. To my surprise, the first person that I contacted was located one state away and was interested in selling their “Radiant Red” Roadster with 4,000 miles on it to me. After the two hour drive to see the car in-person, I knew immediately that it was the car that I would buy before even driving it.

The car was in perfect condition with paint protection film to guard against scratches, an upgraded sound system with a GPS system, a custom made speaker box with two subwoofers, a factory-installed noise reduction kit, a new battery, both a hard top and a soft top roof, four battery chargers, and a car cover. The car was flawless and drove perfectly, so after a little negotiating, the deal was done.

A few days later, I rented a car trailer and used my Tesla Model X to pick up the Tesla Roadster. It was my first time towing a car trailer and everything needed to go perfectly because if it didn’t, a very valuable car would be damaged and I’d ugly-cry many tears. My slow, careful driving made the two hour drive into a five hour pilgrimage, but other than a few incredulous looks from people seeing a Tesla pulling a Tesla, everything went perfectly.

The car is now at its new home and I’ve got a Tesla Roadster to enjoy for many summers to come! I’m happy that I listened to my inner voice because it has never steered me wrong…except that one time that it told me to rent my apartment to that crazy lady.
Now the Roadster needs a name…