4th Quarter Goal Reflection

Happy September to you all! September is the time of the year when I reflect on my beginning-of-the-year goals to analyze whether I’m on track to accomplish them. Since I’m lucky enough to have a website with regular visitors, I will be doing this activity online for the world to see.

This year my goals were as follows:
1. Increase dependency on laptopPartially Accomplished
Although I purchased the world’s best digital pen to motivate me to write more often, I still remain heavily dependent on my laptop. In fact, I purchased another laptop to keep in the car for emergency laptop/internet access and for on-the-go business dealings. Maybe the solution is to smash my laptop with a sledgehammer and force myself to live Amish-style for the remainder of the year.

2. Buy a new car–specifically the Lexus LS460Accomplished
After months of analysis, thinking, saving and test driving, I purchased my dream car– the Lexus LS460L, aka “the car that parks itself.” Best of all, I accomplished this goal 4 months ahead of schedule!

3. Read 8 booksNot Accomplished
When I noticed that I didn’t have much time to read for fun, I purchased books-on-tape and began listening to them during long drives. The main problem is that the people who narrate the books usually have an extremely monotonous, boring voice that can quickly put an insomniac to sleep after two brief sentences. Since I have not yet mastered the art of sleeping while driving I decided to put the book-on-tape idea on hold until I find a pill that can cure “chronic book-on-tape, sleepy-while-driving syndrome.”

4. Improve communication skillsPartially Accomplished
I’ve been more aware of the nonverbal signals that I send while speaking and I have been working to improve them. Lesson # 1: Do not make a fist and aggressively pound your open palm while speaking to people.

5. Become more consistent with this websiteDefinitely Not Accomplished
Although I’ve only posted a handful of entries this year, I plan on finishing the year in a strong way. There will be more Geremy on Geremology.com soon (i hope). A few things that I have planned are: giveaways, mini-entries, and more videos.

6. Travel morePartially Accomplished
I’ve traveled to a few different states in the US this year, but plan to venture abroad at least once before the year is complete.

I encourage you all to set goals and consistently work towards accomplishing them! Also, be sure to keep up with me as I work to accomplish my goals and make everyday my masterpiece!
