I Think I Ate 俄罗斯牛胴体

What better way to live life on the edge than to eat random, potentially poisonous packaged goods from foreign lands?? A few Saturdays ago I was looking for a good way to enjoy the beautiful spring day so I picked up a friend and we went to an Asian Food market to purchase mysterious foods to sample. Our only rule was that the food must be completely mysterious to both of us. Among the things we purchased were the following items:

Mysterious Foods from the Asian Market

Mysterious Foods from the Asian Market

Mysterious Foods from the Asian Market

Mysterious Foods from the Asian Market

Mysterious Foods from the Asian Market

At times I wondered if the “food” we purchased was suitable for consumption, or if we mistakenly bought cleaning products. Some things couldn’t make it past the esophagus and for the food that did, I wondered if my small intestine was going to rupture before digesting. All in all it was a very gut wrenching, fear-factor-esque experience that everyone should try at least once in their life…just be sure to have an ambulance on standby just in case
