Lifestyle Brand of the Rejected Entrepreneur

Recently I’ve had a lot of time to percolate my thoughts, which has resulted in many ideas and concepts. In order to control my personal risk and maximize overall return I’ve been seeking investors to buy a stake of my ideas in exchange for a percentage of company equity. However, instead of approaching potential investors with a business plan, proposal, and other proofs of concept, I approach with a smile on my face…a really big smile.

Entrepreneurs and inventors usually protect their ideas with security that can rival Fort Dix, but I believe that if an idea is truly unique then you’d have to force it down people’s throats. Basically, my idea is for a “lifestyle brand” that will begin with t-shirts and then will expand across various other products. Though there are many other businesses with this intent, mine is special because it’s in extremely limited release…and it’s cooler.

The first potential venture capitalist who I approached was my mom because she has always been willing to put money behind all of my ideas. After pitching my idea to her, she immediately went into “Shark Tank” mode and asked about projected earnings for the first fiscal quarter of the business. My response was, “are you kidding me?! I’m your son!” She wasn’t kidding me and I didn’t have the answer that she was looking for. Later, I pitched the idea to one more person who refused my proposal because he did not want to bear the risk involved investing in a male “fashion designer.” Fair enough!

So now I’m starting my new [currently unnamed] lifestyle brand with my own money and I’m kicking it off with a few designs which will be revealed here after they are produced. I’m extremely excited about this and will reveal the products as they become available. As a sneak peak, here is one t-shirt concept that may or may not make the final cut.

"On My Mind" T-Shirt

It’s coming!!

  1. March 22, 2010 - Reply

    […] A few of the ideas that came to fruition as a result of these sessions were: my house, my car and my lifestyle brand idea. Most recently, I got my newest and greatest idea yet—a personal light […]

  2. February 17, 2011 - Reply

    […] years ago I wrote about my half-baked idea of establishing a clothing and lifestyle brand. Soon after introducing this idea, I put it on hold and shelved it with my many other un-pursued […]
