Oh No! Please don’t order THAT!

Some SERIOUS food

Have you ever taken someone out for dinner and thought “I hope they don’t order that” as you scanned through the menu? Prior to last Saturday I believed that a thought like that would never cross my mind, but I was mistaken when I was introduced to “THE GOLDEN OPULENCE SUNDAE.”


I went out with a friend to eat at Serendipity 3 and I was greeted by the shock of my life called the golden opulence sundae, which cost a whopping $1,000. Let me repeat this so you can fully grasp the magnitude of this situation…

I went out with a friend to eat at Serendipity 3 and I was greeted by the shock of my life called the golden opulence sundae, which cost a whopping, monstrous, Brobdingnagian, colossal ONE THOUSAND US DOLLARS. When I saw this on the menu, I figured that the restaurant failed to place the decimal point in the right location, but then I noticed “Guinness World Record” above the description. That’s when I knew that they were serious and my wallet seemingly said to me, “Geremy, how are we gonna handle this one?!?”

I inadvertently overlooked the “reservations required 48 hours in advance” under the item and started to plan an exit strategy in case my dinner guest ordered this sundae. My elaborate strategy involved me pretending that I was on fire, bolting out of the restaurant and playing dead on the sidewalk. However, it turned out that the sundae was not ordered and I was able to pay for the bill without having to panhandle on the streets to earn money.

I’ve now learned a lesson that I should set parameters around my dinner invitations. From now on I will say, “would you like to go out to dinner? You can order anything you want, as long as it doesn’t cost as much as a new Kia Sorrento!”
