The Super Peculiar Plan 

If you were confused about why I started A Dessert Company last year, then you’re not alone. A lot of people couldn’t understand where this seemingly random idea came from, but they didn’t realize that I told the world about this super-secret grand plan back in 2016. Allow me to give you a quick refresher.

I’ve always had a deep appreciation for high-quality products and a great customer experience, but there was a large void of companies that prioritized quality and customer experience over profits. I knew that there were other people like myself who wanted a great customer experience, great packaging, and high-quality products that added value to our lives, but we didn’t have many options. I dubbed this community of people, “peculiar people,” and I wanted to start a brand named after the people it served. So I started Peculiar PPL to create apparel that equips and inspires peculiar people to do great things. After doing this, I knew that I needed to expand into a world beyond just clothing.

This led to a super-secret, super-grand master plan for the future of Peculiar PPL centered on applying the Peculiar PPL approach to key aspects of a person’s life. I drafted this master plan and shared it on March 19, 2016, on and titled, “The Peculiar Future.”

The plan consists of three phases:

  • Phase One: Start a clothing line
  • Phase Two: Expand into other products and services
  • Phase Three: Help others create products and services for the Peculiar PPL community

These phases cover the following key expansion areas: Transportation, Food, Business, Knowledge, Media, Real Estate, Ventures, and Other.

A Dessert Company is the first business to be birthed from this ambitious plan, and it served as proof that the strategy would work. This proof of concept gave room to make adjustments and prepare for more growth in the future.

In the next post, I’ll share more details about the “factory” that’s at the core of Peculiar PPL’s expansion plan.
